The Champion Circle represents a special group of businesses and individuals who have made a significant annual financial investment in support of the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce’s initiatives, programs and projects. Champion Circle participants are leaders in the business community. They help set the standard for quality services and help improve the business climate which will ultimately affect the economic success of our community.
Dear Members, traveling in uncharted waters. Our offices remain closed during the "shelter in place" directive but continue to conduct business from our home offices.
The COVID-19 crisis has changed business as usual for the Yuba-Sutter business community. We are here for you and will continue to support you and share what the Chamber is doing to help our businesses and the community.
Our Chamber members are experts in their fields and serve as excellent resources. We are working on creating webinars where businesses can share their ideas and expertise on various topics. If you would like to provide helpful webinars for our business community send me an email at msanders@yubasutterchamber.com
The Chamber is committed to supporting and helping our members so that you can support your employees, customers, and community. We continue to compile resources to aid businesses—of all sizes—as you respond, mitigate, and ultimately recover from the Coronavirus. Visit our Rapid Response Resources at www.yubasutterchamber.com/business-resources.
We recognize we are all trying to cope with the stress and fear that the Coronavirus crisis has caused. There are so many things that are outside of our control, but we need to stay focus on what we can control. Things like, follow ALL recommendations from our health officials, stay informed, particularly about what's happening in our community, stay connected even when physically isolated, take care of your body and soul, AND help others. Doing kind and helpful acts for others can help us regain a sense of control over your life—as well as adding meaning and purpose.
Continue to support our businesses. If ever there was a time for the business community to come together, now is that time! We must work together to communicate a clear message – We continue to stand with you!
As a quote circulating in Italy reminds us: "We're standing far apart now so we can embrace each other later."
The Yuba Sutter Pulse meeting is an opportunity for you to let us know what is happening in your business/industry and what the most critical challenges are. This information is very important to us so that we can better serve and represent your interests with our local, state and federal government representatives. In fact, we expect that representatives from all levels of government will be present.
Meeting ID: 474 547 5996 One tap mobile
The Yuba-Sutter Chamber is a catalyst for business growth specific to business. Members benefit from a full range of services and tools that can be a catalyst for their growth.
The Yuba-Sutter Chamber regularly brings business and community leaders together to find solutions, share information, and highlight that which makes Yuba- Sutter a great place to live, work, and do business.
We are in daily talks with our local, county, state, and federal partners advocating for the resources you need to support your employees, your businesses, and your families through these dynamically changing times. We have created a Rapid Response Resource page on our website.
As a Grow with Google Partner, we would like to invite you to tune in to a special livestream for small businesses: Manage Your Business Remotely in Times of Uncertainty.
Learning objective: Discover tools, tips and resources to help you manage your business remotely during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn how to update critical business information online to keep customers informed, host virtual meetings and events, and access documents from anywhere. We’ll also share the latest resources from Google and other partners to help support small businesses.
The Grow with Google team will be hosting this live, virtual event on May 6, 2020 at 9AM PT / 12PM ET.
Interested in learning about tools like Google My Business, Google Ads, G-Suite, Hangouts, Docs, and more? RSVP to tune in today: g.co/grow/smallbizlivestream. In the “how did you hear about this livestream event” you can let the Google team know that you heard from Yuba-Sutter Chamber! You can ask questions live during the event on Twitter by using #smallbizlivestream.
To learn more visit https://www.yubasutterchamber.com/resources-for-employers
In partnership with the Yuba-Sutter Community Task Force, the Yuba-Sutter Covid-19 Relief Task Force has been formed and is being managed by the Yuba-Sutter Chamber’s “LEADership Yuba-Sutter” Class of 2020 and community leaders to assist local residents affected by the current Covid-19 emergency.
Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce 1300 Franklin Rd., Yuba City, CA. 95993 530-743-6501