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Greetings Members!
I hope you had an enjoyable 4th! It certainly was cooler than we would typically experience. It was a nice change! Speaking of change, it is coming! I don’t know about you, but sometimes I like to fight change and I even become nostalgic for “the good ol’ days.” But if we are to grow, we must be willing to change. This is true in our personal lives. This is true in business. It’s true at the Chamber!
Here at the Chamber, we are eagerly working towards change as we process through an organizational assessment. Working with a consultant, we have gathered input from our board of directors, conducted one-on-one interviews with a few of our members and will soon be asking for input from all our members through a survey. That will be coming your way in the next several weeks, but I wanted to give you a heads up now. In other news, we have a big update on the progress of our Film Commission, Film Yuba-Sutter. We would like to thank the California Film Commission (CFC) who has recognized us as an official Regional Film Partner! This means that Film Yuba-Sutter's designation along with our contact information will be added to the Regional Partners list on the CFC website and in any directory of California film offices the CFC distributes to industry partners. It also means the opportunity to be noticed by film productions has just become much more probable! We are well on our way! I am also happy to report that Kristen, our Membership and Marketing Coordinator, is working steadily on a few projects that I believe will help to really bolster your benefits and bring more value to your membership. She will be sharing some of these items with you soon. Until next time, I hope you are having a great summer! I look forward to bringing you another update in couple of weeks! Be well! Marni |
Hi All,
Kristen here, your Membership & Marketing Coordinator! I am excited to bring you the newest addition to the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce. Yuba-Sutter HYPE - Helping Young Professionals Engage
The goal of Yuba-Sutter HYPE is to create a community of Young Professionals, and cultivate relationships through networking.
Over the past 3 months, I saw a short coming of the younger generations within local organizations, including the Chamber. In collaboration with Chamber Ambassadors Chayney Pascua and Jillian Justice, we created this group to Connect, Develop, & Engage the next generation and introduce them to networking, relationship building, and the Chamber.
Yuba-Sutter HYPE will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for a casual gathering. The only qualifications to join is to be 21 or older and looking for professional and personal growth or to be young at heart and looking to mentor our future business professionals.
Our first Yuba-Sutter HYPE Happy Hour is at 5:30 p.m. this Wednesday, July 13 at Silver Dollar Saloon in Marysville. The Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring appetizers. Jillian Justice Farmers Insurance Agency is sponsoring a door prize so be sure to bring your business cards!
What better way for our community to learn about local food, wineries, and breweries than to experience it firsthand! So, we invite you (Restaurants, Caterers, Wineries and Breweries in Yuba Sutter) to participate (to enter you must be a business located in Yuba or Sutter County) in the upcoming 10th annual Taste of Yuba Sutter (TOYS) on Thursday, October 6th from 5:30-8:30pm at the Yuba-Sutter Fairgrounds. TOYS is all about bringing together local food purveyors, wine vintners, brewers, and the community to celebrate great food and spirits we have right here in Yuba-Sutter.
Our goal is to have 50 vendors and more than 500 attendees. This will provide vendors an excellent opportunity to showcase their signature food, beer and wine products to a wide-reaching audience. If you are a restaurant, caterer, vintner or brewer and would like to participate please complete the vendor application. |
An added value to your Chamber membership is being part of an incredible business community who has made a commitment to work together, to support a stronger and more prosperous Yuba-Sutter.
Below is a list of Chamber businesses that offer a member-to-member discount. Give them a call and be sure to tell them you are a Chamber member! If you or your business would like to participate, please email Kristen Perry at kperry@yubasutterchamber.com |
Help the Chamber Help You
We all have more than we can handle these days. We’re doing more with less, trying to figure out how we will pay for our necessities as prices skyrocket. What if there was something the chamber could do to take something off your plate, to help you do more with less time? Whether you are a small or large business, wouldn’t that be great? Who couldn’t use a helpful partner in your success? That partner is waiting. You just need to do one thing first to enrich that partnership. Read More>> |
YSEDC, in partnership with Sutter and Yuba counties has received funding from the California Office of the Small Business Advocate to administer a microbusiness grant program directly to microbusinesses within the two-county region. The intent of the funding is to provide relief to the hardest to reach microbusinesses and entrepreneurs. A microbusiness is defined as having $50,000 or less in gross revenues and five or fewer employees.
The California Office of the Small Business Advocate (Cal OSBA) has allocated funding to each county in the state based on population. YSEDC has $102,144 available to distribute to qualified microbusinesses in Sutter County and $80,077.29 to qualified microbusinesses in Yuba County. Qualified businesses may receive up to $2,500 in a one-time payment dependent upon approval of application and availability of funds. Grants will be made on a first come first-served basis until all funds are disbursed.
This is a grant program, not a loan, so businesses do not need to pay the money back. Per the CalOSBA Guidelines, some examples of eligible use of funds are: -
The purchase of equipment related to your business, i.e. lawn mower, certified food cart, hair dressing equipment, etc.
- Working capital to operate your business
- Application for, or renewal of, a local permit such as but not limited to, a permit to operate as a sidewalk vendor.
Payment of business debt accrued due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Costs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and related health and safety restrictions, or business interruptions or closures incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Deadline to apply is July 15! |
Each Monday on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram), we highlight a Chamber member for our #MemberMonday series. This is a great way to get that extra exposure for your business. This is great exposure for your business and an added member benefit!
Welcome A-1 Appliance to Yuba City! And to our Chamber Family! We are happy to have you! Go check them out at 1699 Sierra Ave, Yuba City! |
Each Tuesday on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram), we highlight a Chamber member for our #TestimonialTuesday series. Share your experiences and help us continue to grow our incredible community! |
Thank you so much to Jacqueline Miller, with Showcase Real Estate, for your testimony on behalf of the Chamber.
"The Chamber is a huge asset to our community. They motivate me to get out more to local events, network and meet more people. They never go unnoticed for all they do and how they go above and beyond for our community. We are lucky to have such an amazing team of people to give their time and energy to do great things. Thank you for all you do and your support in our surrounding areas!"
Jacqueline has been a Realtor in the area and a part of the Chamber for 3 years. If you are in need of a realtor, we encourage you to contact Jacqueline (530) 788-3509 and chat with her!
You can find her on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jackiejudy_realtor or you can check out her website https://jacquelinemiller.showcaseagent.com.
Get Social!
Follow us on social media channels (Facebook and Instagram), to stay up-to-date on where we are and what we are doing! |
Every last Tuesday of the month is our Lunch Mob. June 28th, we mobbed Sylvio's Pizzeria & Deli - South. Lunch Mobs are a great way to support our area restaurants and to network. |
The Champion Circle represents a special group of businesses and individuals who have made a significant annual financial investment in support of the Yuba-Sutter Chamber of Commerce’s initiatives, programs and projects. Champion Circle participants are leaders in the business community. They help set the standard for quality services and help improve the business climate which will ultimately affect the economic success of our community.
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