Greetings Members!
It is with some reluctance and certainly a bit of sadness that I announce my departure from the Chamber. It has been an amazing 6 years. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with so many of you and being able to be part of such a worthy mission.
My involvement with the Chamber in the beginning as a Chamber Ambassador, then Membership Director and ultimately CEO has been an incredible experience for me. The work that has been accomplished working alongside the board, ambassadors, staff, and members; the people I have met along the way; and the friendships I have forged, have brought an abundance of purpose to my life.
Together, we have navigated and accomplished a lot over this time. Some of these accomplishments include, establishing a Film Commission for Yuba-Sutter, the creation of the Yuba Sutter Restaurant Association, the Marysville Business Alliance, the Champion Circle partner group, and resurrecting LEADership Yuba-Sutter. Whatever the project or initiative, it has been to serve and be champions for the Yuba Sutter business community.
I will miss the Chamber very much, but I am not going far! I am excited to share that I have accepted the position as Executive Director for Blue Zones Project Yuba-Sutter. While I will not be at the Chamber, I will still be deeply involved in the community, with businesses and most likely with many of you.
Words cannot adequately express my gratitude to the Chamber, and everyone involved in supporting our businesses! I am excited to watch the Chamber continue to thrive! I will miss you all, but I know I will see you in the community and look forward to it!
It has been an honor to serve the Chamber and the business community. I want to thank all those who have supported me on my path, especially the amazing Chamber team, Jacki Lee, Kristen Perry and the board, ambassadors, and you. The success of the Chamber is a true reflection of the people who are part of this incredible Chamber family. I am deeply grateful.
The Chamber board of directors will be assisting me in the transition process. They are eager to fill the position so that the Chamber will continue its efforts in serving the business community without any interruption. In the meantime, Chamber staff, Jacki Lee and Kristen Perry along with the board and ambassadors are ready and well equipped to continue serving Chamber members.
See you soon!
Be Well,